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    LoRaWAN Semtech UDP Packet Forwarder JSON Objects

    LoRa Gateway Packet Forwarder JSON Daten

    Alex @ AEQ-WEB

    The UDP Packet Forwarder developed by Semtech on a LoRa or LoRaWAN gateway is responsible for bidirectional data transfer between the gateway and the network server. This article describes the JSON objects appended to a message starting from the 12th byte. Further details about the first 12 bytes of each message are explained in this article.

    Which JSON objects are there?

    For the uplink (transmission from the gateway to the network server), two JSON objects are used: STAT and RXPK. STAT transmits the status of the gateway (location, various counters, and timestamp), while RXPK represents a data packet received by the gateway, including the packets data content and information about the packet itself (size, signal strength, modulation, etc.).
    For the downlink (transmission from the network server to the gateway), two JSON objects are used: TXPK and TXPK_ACK. TXPK is used to transmit data packets to the gateway, which are to be sent via radio. If the downlink is accepted by the gateway or can be transmitted, a 12-byte TX_ACK response without a JSON object is sent. In the event of an error, the TXPK_ACK object is appended to the preceding 12 bytes and returned to the network server.


    The JSON objects in detail

    The following tables describe the individual keys of each JSON object.

    STAT (Cyclic status messages from the gateway to the network server):

        "stat": {
            "ackr": 0.000000,
            "dwnb": 0,
            "rxfw": 0,
            "rxnb": 0,
            "rxok": 0,
            "time": "2024-11-15 10:45:54 GMT",
            "txnb": 0

    Key Type Description
    rxnb u_int Packets received via radio since system start
    rxok u_int Packets with valid CRC received via radio since system start
    rxfw u_int Packets forwarded to the network server since system start
    dwnb u_int Downlink packets received from the network server since system start
    txnb u_int Packets sent via radio since system start
    ackr int Percentage of packets acknowledged by the network server
    time string Gateway timestamp
    lati float Gateway location (latitude)
    long float Gateway location (longitude)
    alti int Gateway location (altitude)

    RXPK (Received data packet or multiple data packets in an array):

        "rxpk": [{
            "chan": 0,
            "codr": "4/5",
            "data": "QN3Mu6qATgEBddf3CGO3W+c=",
            "datr": "SF7BW125",
            "freq": 868.100000,
            "lsnr": 9.750000,
            "modu": "LORA",
            "rfch": 1,
            "rssi": -32,
            "size": 26,
            "stat": 1,
            "time": "2024-11-15T10:47:43.674536Z",
            "tmst": 2905060155

    Key Type Description
    chan u_int Logical channel number
    rfch u_int RF chain: Physical module in the gateway that received the data packet
    freq float Reception frequency in MHz
    modu string Modulation type (LoRa or FSK)
    rssi float Signal strength (RSSI) in dBm
    lsnr float LoRa signal-to-noise ratio in dB
    datr string / u_int Spreading factor and bandwidth in kHz for LoRa, or frame bit rate in Hz for FSK
    codr string Coding rate for LoRa modulation
    stat int CRC status (1 = OK; -1 = Invalid; 0 = No CRC)
    time string UTC timestamp from the gateway at reception time (ISO8601 compact format) with microseconds
    tmst u_int (32-bit) Internal microsecond counter since system start; overflows after 72.5 minutes
    tmms u_int Elapsed milliseconds since January 6, 1980
    size u_int PHYPayload size (bytes)
    data string PHYPayload (Base64)

    TXPK (Downlink: Sending a telegram via a gateway)


    Key Type Description
    imme bool If true, the packet is sent immediately, and tmst/time is ignored
    tmst u_int (32-Bit) If imme=false and tmst is present, the packet is sent when the internal counter is reached
    tmms string If imme=false and tmst is not present, the packet is sent at the specified UTC timestamp
    freq u_float Transmission frequency in MHz
    rfch u_int Selection of transmission module (RF Chain)
    powe int Transmission power in dBm
    modu string Modulation type (LORA or FSK)
    datr string / u_int For LoRa modulation: spreading factor and bandwidth (SFxBWm, x=7-12; m=bandwidth in kHz), for FSK: frame bitrate in Hz
    codr string ECC Coding Rate (e.g., 4/5)
    ipol bool Indicates whether the inverted polarity bit is used (false means no inversion).
    prea u_int RF Preamble size
    size u_int PHYPayload in Bytes
    data string Base64 PHYPayload
    ncrc bool If true, no CRC is generated in the Physical Layer


    TXPK_ACK (Antwort vom Gateway zum Netzwerkserver auf ein PULL-RESP):


    Key Type Beschreibung
    error string Gibt eine Fehlermeldung zurück

    Mit dem Key "error" können folgende Fehlermeldungen Übermittelt werden:

    error Beschreibung
    TOO_EARLY Das Paket wurde zu früh empfangen, bevor der vorgesehene Sendezeitpunkt erreicht war
    TOO_LATE Das Paket kam zu spät an, um rechtzeitig gesendet zu werden
    COLLISION_PACKET Eine Kollision mit einem anderen bereits gesendeten Paket wurde festgestellt
    COLLISION_BEACON Das Paket kollidierte mit einem Beacon-Signal, das Vorrang hat
    TX_FREQ Die Sendefrequenz ist ungültig oder nicht erlaubt
    TX_POWER Die angeforderte Ausgangsleistung ist ungültig oder außerhalb der zulässigen Grenzen
    GPS_UNLOCKED Die GPS-Synchronisation war nicht verfügbar, daher konnte keine genaue Zeitplanung erfolgen

    Info: This page was automatically translated and may contain errors

    About the Author

    Alex, the founder of AEQ-WEB. He works for more of 10 years with different computers, microcontroller and semiconductors. In addition to hardware projects, he also develops websites, apps and software for computers.

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